Carrington Merritt, a graduate student in Clinical and Social Psychology, is the recipient of an Honorable Mention for the 2020-21 Ernest C. Davenport Award for Outstanding Psychological Research by a Student Who Enhances Diversity.
The purpose of the Ernest C. Davenport Award for Outstanding Psychological Research by a Student Who Enhances Diversity is to encourage and honor students from underrepresented groups who make a contribution to the advancement of knowledge of psychological science.
Carrington received an honorable mention for her interdisciplinary research, which combines social psychology, neuroscience and psychopathology. Her long-term vision is to use multimethod approaches to understanding the interplay between race, social cognition and schizophrenia, which is a critical and understudied area of research. She is an extraordinarily talented graduate student with the vision, grit, and commitment to become an exceptional researcher and role model in the field of schizophrenia that hitherto, has very few researchers of color. Carrington was honored with the Ernest C. Davenport Diversity in Research Honorable Mention at the Psychology and Neuroscience Departmental Awards Ceremony on May 5, 2021. Congratulations, Carrington!